FURL is a C program for the MS-WINDOWS platform. It was written by Stephen Sloan of Longbow International Corp. Longbow is a well known WWW developer located in New York City. We do a variety of custom and contract programming as well, mostly for Windows and Windows NT, and for all the usual client/server suspects. FURL is a fully relational database which allows the user to enter any type of URL or on-line address, sort them several ways, assign user-defined descriptions to them, call them up by category (i.e. WWW, e-mail, gopher), double click on the description which copies them to the clipboard, and paste them into your Internet or on-line client software. Instead of remembering our (the author) WWW site (which is currently: http://www.panix.com/~longbow/index.html), it can be entered with the description "Longbow Home Page". Double clicking on that description will copy the URL to the clipboard. Alt-Tab to your WWW browser, or fire it up within FURL, and paste the address into the appropriate edit control. There you have it. FURL is freely distributable as long as the entire contents of this zip file are distributed. FURL is shareware. It has been uploaded by the author. To continue using it requires that you send in your name, address and the $25.00 (U.S.) registration fee. Once the registration is received, a fully working version of FURL will be sent to you immediately. The unregistered version of FURL works just like the full version with the following exceptions: 1. You are limited to 100 addresses. The full version has no limits (except those of your storage capacity). 2. The query by type function is disabled. 3. The printing functions are disabled. To register FURL, see the help file, or send a check drawn on a U.S. bank in the amount of USD 25.00 to: Longbow International Corp. 111 East 14th Street Suite 290 New York, N.Y. 10003 Or to use your Visa/Mastercard, contact NorthStar Solutions at Voice: 1-800-699-6395 (10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. EST, USA Calls only) 1-803-699-6395 (10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. EST) Fax: 1-803-699-5465 (International and business orders are encouraged to fax) CIS: 71561,2751 (International and business orders are encouraged to e-mail) New York residents MUST add tax. We don't like it either. Register to Vote! Please note that NorthStar is our credit card agent. They take registrations only. DO NOT CONTACT THEM FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT. Once you have registered, unlimited free technical support is provided via e-mail to info@longbow.com. Your questions will be answered within a day. If you have a valid registration code, you may also phone us at 212-473-7888. If you haven't registered, please note here that we are nice people, but not complete idiots. So don't call us unless for support unless you're registered and have the code. If you don't like it, tough. Hey. You get what you pay for. We don't accept collect calls and never will. And in any event, please send e-mail if possible. Unregistered users may also e-mail to info@longbow.com. But frankly, since you're getting a free ride, we'll answer your questions as soon as we feel like it. Which will *not* be never. Comments, ideas and criticism are encouraged from all. Send to stvsloan@longbow.com.